Topic 8 - Analysing the Data

Linear regression according to XKCD

A tutorial on doing ANOVA analyses in R (optional!)


Open Textbook Chapter 9: Factorial designs

Open Textbook Chapter 13: Inferential Statistics


Lecture 6 (guest lecture no. 2 by Sally Larsen) is available online

Things to do

Work on your assignment!

Free video course on jamovi

Also note some interesting discussion on Pubpeer about the paper discussed in the Chapter 8 reading above.


Topic - Are the claims suppoted by the evidence?

This topic follows on from Sally Larsen’s guest lecture about Mindset Theory, so it will be easier to post about it if you’ve listened to the lecture. I recommend this lecture as a great example of how to critique the literature!

In a study that tested the evidence of six key premises of mindset theory, Burgoyne, Hambrick, and Macnamara (2020) proposed that “strongly worded claims should be supported by equally strong evidence”.

Have you come across any other examples in the psychological literature where the claims of a theory appear to be stronger than the evidence? Give examples and discuss why you think there may be overclaiming in the study or studies. The full PDF is here if you’re struggling to access the Library version.
