Topic 7 - Qualitative Methods and Non-Experimental Research

Thematic analysis


2021: Open Textbook Chapter 6: Non-Experimental Research

Lectures and quizzes

Lecture 6 (Suzie Cosh) is available online

Remember to finish all your quizzes

Preregistering Qualitative Research

An interesting paper on the possibility of using the preregistration format to boost the credibility of qualitative research.


Topic - Qualitative Research

This week’s topic follows on from Suzie Cosh’s lecture on Qualitative Research (and the corresponding chapter in your Burton textbook). The topic is from Suzie!

“There is no such thing as qualitative data. Everything is either one or zero” (Fred Kerlinger).

Is there any value of qualitative research for the field of psychology? Please discuss!

If you wish, you could also find a paper to support your argument – for instance, a good qualitative study that adds novel knowledge, or a poor quality study that doesn’t add much to the general state of knowledge, or even some meta-research on qualitative studies in general.
