Deborah Apthorp
Deborah Apthorp
The use of event-related potentials in the investigation of cognitive performance in people with Multiple Sclerosis: Systematic review
The effects of mild sleep restriction on behavioural and neural correlates of vigilant attention
Differences in finger tapping in adult individuals with autistic traits: An online study
Has machine learning over-promised in healthcare?: A critical analysis and a proposal for improved evaluation, with evidence from Parkinson’s disease
Evaluating Effects of Resting-State Electroencephalography Data Pre-Processing on a Machine Learning Task for Parkinson’s Disease
What’s in a Badge? A Computational Reproducibility Investigation of the Open Data Badge Policy in One Issue of Psychological Science
The Data Badge Project - Do badges enhance computational reproducibility?
Why take the risk? Exploring the psychosocial determinants of floodwater driving
Investigating the effectiveness of the Open Data Badge Policy at Psychological Science through computational Reproducibility
Finger tapping measures for Parkinson’s disease: Preliminary evaluation of an Android application for data collection in Australia
The use of event-related potentials and machine learning to improve diagnostic testing and prediction of disease progression in Parkinson's disease
Which features of postural sway are effective in distinguishing Parkinson's disease from controls? An experimental investigation
EPC 2021 Brisbane - Running studies online - tips, tools and lessons learned
Postural sway in first-degree relatives of individuals with schizophrenia
The role of Weber’s law in human time perception
Alternatives to MRI for diagnosing, tracking and predicting Multiple Sclerosis
Postural sway correlates with cognition and quality of life in Parkinson’s disease
Which features of postural sway are effective in distinguishing Parkinson's disease from controls? A systematic review
Robust feature engineering for Parkinson disease diagnosis: New machine learning techniques
The impact of sleep loss on sustained and transient attention: an EEG study
Cerebellar–cortical dysconnectivity in resting‐state associated with sensorimotor tasks in schizophrenia
Temporal predictability does not impact attentional blink performance: Effects of fixed vs. random inter-trial intervals
ResBaz 2019 UNSW - Writing Reproducible Manuscripts using RMarkdown
Writing Reproducible Manuscripts using RMarkdown and papaja
A multidisciplinary approach to diagnosing, tracking and predicting disease progression in Parkinson’s disease
Postural stability predicts the likelihood of cybersickness in active HMD-based virtual reality
Postural sway abnormalities in schizotypal personality disorder
Bertamini, M. Programming Visual Illusions for Everyone
Disturbances of postural sway components in cannabis users
Adaptation-induced blindness is orientation-tuned and monocular
Social and attention-to-detail subclusters of autistic traits differentially predict looking at eyes and face identity recognition ability
The Shepard--Risset glissando: music that moves you
Striatal morphology correlates with frontostriatal electrophysiological motor processing in Huntington's disease: an IMAGE-HD study
Abnormal electrophysiological motor responses in Huntington’s disease: evidence of premanifest compensation
Evidence for parallel consolidation of motion direction and orientation into visual short-term memory
Symmetry is less than meets the eye
Chaos in balance: non-linear measures of postural control predict individual variations in visual illusions of motion
Evidence against an ecological explanation of the jitter advantage for vection
Spontaneous postural sway predicts the strength of smooth vection
The role of perceived speed in vection: does perceived speed modulate the jitter and oscillation advantages?
Direct evidence for encoding of motion streaks in human visual cortex
Flash illusions induced by visual, auditory, and audiovisual stimuli
Vection in depth during treadmill walking
Temporal integration of movement: the time-course of motion streaks revealed by masking
The role of holistic processing in face perception: Evidence from the face inversion effect
The spatial tuning of “motion streak” mechanisms revealed by masking and adaptation
Anisotropies in judging the direction of moving natural scenes
Orientation tuning of contrast masking caused by motion streaks
Motion streaks in fast motion rivalry cause orientation-selective suppression
Tilt aftereffects and tilt illusions induced by fast translational motion: Evidence for motion streaks